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My Tilt-Shift exercise

I love photos, much more just to look at enjoy and admire then to be active in taking some. Mainly because, when I look at what I shoot it looks to me that I always snap at wrong moment, that just few mili-seconds before (or after) it was a perfect moment, or that I did it with wrong camera or wrong camera settings. Prices of good cameras are very affordable nowadays but I stay with love to simple idiot cameras that have one or few setting modes. So afterwards I stay longer time in-front of my PC trying to filter them and take best of what I actually did.

Key point for me is to take a lot more pictures than needed. Here are few latest work with Tilt shift filter on common image. To make tilt shift effect you do not need support from editing tool you can do it with simple filters, blur+hue+contrast, there a lot of tutorials on the net.


Tell me what you think, or share with me your experience.


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